Monday, March 28, 2016

My Staff

My Staff

I chose them, they did not choose me,
But it is hard to get good staff these days.
They could a little faster be.
When I am hungry, or athirst you see.

They seem a little dull or out of sink.
They should know when I want a little drink.
When I want to go out the door,
They should be there in a minute, not a second more.

They should know without a second thought,
That a closed door is a signal to riot.
But given the nature of these giants,
It's real tough to find them compliant.

But my home is warm, and they sort of keep it clean.
They could pay more attention to the litter box routine.
Of more use than that I find I can dream,
In the lap of my staff on a cool rainy evening.

Peter Fevens

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